Workshop: Every classroom a maker space? The crossroads of PBL and MakerEd 工作坊 | 每个教室都是创客空间?基于项目学习法与创客教育

Workshop Topic:

Every classroom a maker space? The crossroads of PBL and MakerEd

Duration: 45~60 minutes

Time: November 10, Friday, 14:00 – 15:00

Place: Workshop Room 2 深职院留仙洞校区德业楼(教二)2楼 204教室


See what kids can do when the Maker Movement meets Project Based Learning! Schools around the world are integrating the skills and culture of making with the structures of PBL so that students achieve not only academically but also develop the characteristics of flexibility thinking, resilience and creativity. I have just participated in the MakerEd forum at the World Maker Faire in New York City and FabLearn at Stanford University. I saw many examples of how creativity and innovation have a synergistic relationship with scholastic achievement. In my previous position as Director of Curriculum and Instruction at Shenzhen American International School, our team developed a wall-to-wall Project Based Learning school where the motto is “Every classroom a make space”. My mission is to inspire and empower teachers, parents, and students to bring these opportunities to their school.

Mentor: Twila Busy

Twila is a maker, educator, and consultant from Tucson, AZ where she is promoting the connections between Project Based Learning and MakerEd.

Quick Info:

*Language: english 

*It’s a hands-on workshop

*max: 25

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