Meet the maker: Hide Iio

The maker Hide Iio

Project Maker (s):  Hide Iio

Country/Area: Kyoto, japan

Links to the Maker:  Website | Youtube

Maker Bio:

I make percussion robot which plays cajon for solo musicians.
As an acoustic guitar player, I wanted percussion sound in acoustic way to make my performance more enjoyable. I have started this project at 2016, and have worked on it for a couple of years, with some years of break. (In such break period, I work as an accountant.)

Project Name: Cabot Project

Project Introduction:

Cabot is a robot that attaches to cajon. Cajon is a drum box originally from Peru. Cabot has three arms, which hit different places on cajon’s surface and generates different sounds(Kick, Snare, High-hat/ghost notes)

I made this robot because I wanted to enjoy jamming with a robot in an acoustic style. I like playing acoustic guitar, and knew it would be fun to play it with cajon. As cajon is a compact instrument, compared with a whole drum set, it is much easier to bring it with you or keep it in your house/room.

Cabot is controlled by Midi signals. I use Ableton Live on Mac to create rhythms. Also I use foot pedals to switch rhythm patterns while performing.

Beside Cabot, I want to make foot-pedals and smartphone apps (and I used to make some prototypes), but currently I’m concentrating just on developing Cabot. There are still some issues that I want to work on to improve its performance. I’m using foot-pedals and apps on market for now and they work well too.

Special Thanks

to Maker Music Festival for inviting this amazing project to exhibit on Maker Faire Shenzhen 2021.



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