When is the Right Time to Visit Shenzhen, the Silicon Valley of Hardware?

Shenzhen has earned itself the name of “Silicon Valley of Hardware” with its vast industrial resources. And do you know Shenzhen was barely a fishing village 30+ years ago? And in the past few years, it has appeared on many famous media such as Discovery Channel, BBC, Wired, and Vice etc.


(Photo credit: Garen Studio)

Here is the WIRED full documentary of  “Shenzhen: The Silicon Valley of Hardware (Full Documentary) | Future Cities”.


Like many others, Shenzhen is many makers’ must-visit place. Some makers visited Shenzhen with a plan of staying for a few days and then they need to have their visa extended for another month, some come for a month and then need to apply for a multiple-entry visa, and some come & never leave this amazing city!


You might be wondering when is the right time for visiting Shenzhen? And my advice will be: don’t postpone, tomorrow never comes :)

As a subtropical city in southern China, the best time for visiting should be in Winter (as many tourist sites suggested October to December). And this is a wide range as well, let me pinpoint the specific time for you: November! Why? Who can deny the sweet November ?


What’s more, Maker Faire Shenzhen is scheduled for November 10~12, 2017. As the biggest Show and Tell on earth, Maker Faire has become one of the most important platforms for makers to show their projects, to communicate and explore cooperation opportunities.


Call for Makers for Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017 is now OPEN! Apart from the fun and diverse range of projects as from previous Faires, this year we will highlight Maker Pros – more “professional” makers with skill sets and interesting projects, and also feature a special exhibit to showcase resources available for different stages of development in Shenzhen. Come join us at this year’s Maker Faire Shenzhen, on Nov 10~12, 2017. Apply for a booth now and get a spot for your awesome projects!




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