Meet the Maker: Lost Voices of History

Lost Voices of History will provide Chatbots and voice-assistants to share with us.

Through this easy-to-program chatbots and valuable production partnerships, Immersive Culture makes it easy for curators to design their own personalities and voice implementations.

Prototype: Lost Voices of Xian

Giving voices to the Terracotta Army in Xian, all sculptures are unique, but there are only 10 roles in the Army, building out 10 voice assistants, with 10 different personalities and 10 different dialects. Conversations can help keep local stories and customs alive.

HW: Respeaker V2 and 7 microphone array; OS: Android 8.1; Language: Python; Partner: University of Cambridge KnewSTEP, Xian MakerFaire 2018, Shenzhen MakerFaire 2018



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