【Makerpro特辑】为女儿而做,却开启了一番事业Making for his daughter helps this maker accomplish a new career – PETS


团队规模: 8

Makerpro 类型: STEAM

产品介绍: PETS

Making for his daughter helps this maker accomplish a new career – PETS

From: Fukushima, Japan

Team member: 8

Maker Pro Tag: STEAM

Product Introduction:


PETS 是一个直观的,基于物理经验的编程学习套件。孩子可以通过可触摸PETS 顶部的按钮模块来控制运动。

PETS is an intuitive, physical experience-based programming learning kit. Kids can program its movement with tangible command blocks by inserting them into the top of PETS.


Geeks Kit

Geeks kit 是专门给那些想要开发自己的 PETS 的 DIY maker。

Geeks kit is especially designed for makers who would like to develop customized PETS.



Maker Pro Story

  • 做 PETS 的初衷

最初想要做 PETS 是因为Yu Hata 的女儿出生。他想要女儿在早一些时候开始学习编程,并开始寻找适合女儿第一次学习的工具,这是一切的开始。然后他开始make,把原型给许多朋友看。幸运的是,有许多人喜欢,而且有些人还加入进来。

  • The Origin of PETS

Yu Hata started this project when his daughter was born. He wanted her to learn programming at an early age, and searched for learning tools appropriate for her age. This was the beginning of PETS. Once he started to make, he showed prototypes to his friends, who became interested and wanted to join him on the project.

  • 原型机

PETS 最早的原型不是给小孩,而是设计给那些想要学习物理计算的网页工程师。 然而编程控制那些在真实世界移动的物体实在是太有趣了,同时,在社区里越来越多需求来自于要给学童教授科技技术。一开始 PETS 团队使用的是已有的编程学习工具,但为了增加乐趣,除了让孩子玩中学,还思考怎样在没有键盘和鼠标的情况下让孩子学习物理计算,最终,他们想到利用可触摸用户界面(Tangible User Interface)的方式。让孩子在机器上摸到代码,这个主意实在是太酷了!

  • Prototype

The first PETS prototype was actually for web engineers who’d like to learn physical computing. The team noticed that physical computing makes it fun to move objects in the real world. At the same time, there were increasing needs in STEAM so they wanted to come up with a version for kids. At first team used existing programming learning tools, but they wanted to find a way to make the learning process fun for kids, perhaps without using a keyboard and a mouse. Finally, they came up with a solution for a tangible user interface, allowing kids to touch the code, which was a way cooler idea!

  • 用众筹完成挑战

2017年1月PETS 团队把大批量生产的第三代 PETS 原型拿去测试,从日本用户那收到了很多反馈。为了优化,PETS 团队需要克服以下困难:

  1.  优化硬件
  2.  增加近距离传感器
  3.  使用颜色传感器
  4.  合理的可承担的价格
  5.  全球发货

为了更好的完成任务,到 kickstarter 众筹成为一种理想的选择。

  • Crowdfunding

In January 2017, the team brought the 3rd prototype of PETS to testing and got a lot of feedback from Japanese users. In order to optimize the project, they needed to achieve the following:

  1. optimize the hardware
  2. add proximity sensor
  3. add color sensor
  4. get reasonable and affordable price
  5. global shipping

And it seemed crowdfunding on Kickstarter was what they needed to do to accomplish these goals.





Q: How was the Kickstarter campaign? Did it meet your expectations

A: It was successful. Other than accomplishing our goals, we also had an opportunity to promote the product and establish relationships with customers all over the world.


Q:对那些想成为 makerpro 的创客,有什么建议吗?


Q: Any suggestion for those makers who want to go pro?

A: It’s very important to keep making something and showing them to people around you. As long as you have a passion for making, you would have team members.





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