Meetup before MFSZ17: How to Fab City with Technology MFSZ前夕分享会|科技 x 建筑 – 未来城市生态系

Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017

Only TEN DAYS to go!!!

As the time flies, we’re getting more and more excited about the upcoming Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017, which will take place on November 10-12. And if you will arrive at Shenzhen earlier than Nov. 10, you should definitely take sometime to get involved with some local communities, participate in some events and mingle with makers.

illustration: elenabsl/adobe stock

On November 9 at Chiahuo x.factory, the new makerspace powered by Chahuo Makers and Seeed Studio, there will be a How to Fab City with Technology Meetup having Davide Gomba, Founder of the first Italian Fab Lab, Casa Jasmina Project, and Tomas Diez, Director of the FAB City Research Laboratory at IAAC, Co-founder of Fab Lab Barcelona as the speakers. And these two are also the speakers at Maker Forum at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017. Do not miss this opportunity to acquire some beforehand information!



19:30-20:10  Davide Gomba’s Sharing

20:10-20:50 Tomas Diez’s Sharing

21:00-21:30  Q&A Session & Mingle



Davide Gomba

Founder of the first Italian Fab Lab, Casa Jasmina Project

Davide Gomba is an Italian maker and storyteller. He has been working in open source since 2008, alongside Arduino until 2016. He’s been one of the promoters of maker culture in Italy, actively managing the creation of the very first Italian Fab Lab in 2011. As content producer and product scouter, he’s been creating different workshops experiences around tech or maker culture, such as fablabforkids (STEAM, kids, science) or ruralhack (IoT, bottom-up tech agriculture). He loves Shenzhen and has many friends to come and see and have been hosting the Arduino Booth at Maker Faire Shenzhen 2013.

He’s come to the this year’s Faire to show and present the Casa Jasmina Project, an experiment held to create a home of the future where technology, privacy, lux, open source and design meet and join together a good conversation with the human.

Tomas Diez

Director of the FAB City Research Laboratory at IAAC, Co-founder of Fab Lab Barcelona

Tomas Diez is a Venezuela-born urban designer specialized in digital fabrication and its implications in the future of cities and society. He is the director of the FAB City Research Laboratory at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) (, and co-founder of Fab Lab Barcelona ( He holds a Bachelor degree in Urbanism by the Simon Bolivar University (Caracas – Venezuela), a Diploma in social work at the La Havana University (Cuba), a Master in Advanced Architecture by IAAC (Barcelona), and a Diploma on Digital Fabrication offered by the Fab Academy in a joint program with MIT’s Center for Bits and Atoms in 2008.

He is the co-founder of the Smart Citizen project,, and StudioP52 in Barcelona. His research interests relate to the use of digital fabrication tools to transform the reality, and how the use of new technologies can change the way people consume, produce and relate with each other in cities.


Meetup Info

Time: 19:30-21:30, November 9 (Thursday)

Sign up here

Place: x.factory, B608, Design Commune, Vanke Cloud City, Dash 2nd Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen

Don’t miss out the chance to participate in a discussion on future, on architecture, on city fabrication and on the future of city. Besides, it is also a great chance to get a closer look at the community at Chiahuo x.factory. So see you on November 9. Let’s meet up and Fab up!


距离Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017只剩下9,个位数了,好紧张!但是想想即将拉开的一年一度的精彩,又特别期待。一场精彩的分享,正适合放在Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017临近时分、既期待又紧张的日子,希望这道我们精心准备的分享开胃菜,让你打开好胃,一起期待1110-12日为期3天的Maker Faire Shenzhen科技大餐!!!


科技与建筑的跨界和融合,一直都是柴火造物中心自开幕以来最关注的议题。所以当我们确认来自意大利刚完成物联网房屋项目Casa Jasmina”的资深创客Davide Gomba和来自西班牙专攻未来城市数字制造专家Tomas Diez都会光临Maker Faire Shenzhen 2017论坛时,我们就想,邀请两位提前在柴火造物中心小聚,探讨交流科技x建筑议题,讨论未来城市生态系的发展,会是一个不错的分享会主题。经过与两位讲者的多方沟通,最终大消息来了:两位将于119日晚上空降造物中心,一起聊聊科技,聊聊建筑,聊聊科技对未来建筑生态的影响。



19:30-20:10  Davide Gomba 分享

20:10-20:50 Tomas Diez 分享

21:00-21:30  Q&A交流时间



Davide Gomba

意大利首家Fab Lab创始人,Casa Jasmina智慧房屋项目负责人

Founder of the first Italian Fab Lab, Casa Jasmina Project

2008年起,Davide就开始接触开源硬件,一直为Arduino工作到2016年。他也是意大利创客文化的推动者之一,2011年积极促进了意大利第一家Fab Lab成立。同时他也是一名内容制作者和产品侦察员,在科技、创客文化领域有丰富的工作坊经验,如开办儿童STEAM科学、教育工作坊,推动运用物联网和自下而上的科技进行农村改革。他喜欢深圳,并从2013年开始负责Maker Faire Shenzhen上的Arduino展位。

他今年将在Maker Faire Shenzhen展示他对未来家居设想的的物联网房屋项目Casa Jasmina,该项目融合了科技、私密性、舒适、开源、设计等诸多元素,展开人与家居之间的对话。

Tomas Diez

IAAC Fab City研究实验室主任、巴塞罗那Fab Lab联合创始人

Tomas Diez,巴塞罗那Fab Lab负责人,Fab Foundation欧洲项目负责人、FAB10巴塞罗那联合主席。Toms Diez出生于委内瑞拉,是一位城市规划设计师,专注于数字制造和数字制造对未来城市、社会的影响。他是加泰罗尼亚高级建筑研究所(IAAC)的FAB城市研究实验室主任,同时也是Fab Lab Barcelona的联合创始人。他拥有西蒙玻利瓦尔大学城市规划学士学位,古巴拉哈瓦那大学社会工作文凭,也获得了麻省理工大学比特原子实验室所开设的Fab Academy课程所提供的数字制造证书。

他是巴塞罗那Smart Citizen项目、FabLabs.ioStudioP52的联合创始人。他研究的主要内容是关于如何使用数字制造工具来创造改变,如何使用新兴技术来改变人们的消费方式、生产方式以及改变城市中人与人之间的关系。



时间:19:30-21:30 119日(周四)







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